Conduct Work According to Professional Practices in the Financial Services Industry
Mark Long, Jeremy Aitken, Christine Seddon & Alison Torres | 1st Edition (July, 2022)
Comply With Ethical and Operational Guidelines, Legislation and Regulations in Financial Planning
Robert Dickerson & Harry Gosper | 2nd Edition (January, 2022)
Prepare Advice in Life Insurance
Robert Dickerson & Harry Gosper | 1st Edition (January, 2022)
Implement Financial Plans
Present and Negotiate Financial Plans
Robert Dickerson & Harry Gosper | 1st Edition (July, 2022)
Develop Financial Plans
Prepare Advice in Managed Investments
Conduct Financial Product Research to Support Product Recommendations
Record and Implement Client Instructions
Conduct Financial Planning Analysis and Research
Monitor and Review Organisational System Compliance with Legislation and Regulations