Design and Produce Complex Spreadsheets
Simon Thomas | 2nd Edition (July, 2021)
Design and Produce Spreadsheets
Simon Thomas | 1st Edition (2020)
Simon Thomas | 2nd Edition (January, 2022)
Design and Produce Text Documents
Workplace Series | 2nd Edition (January, 2016)
Develop and Implement Business Plans
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 2nd Edition (January, 2023)
Develop and Manage Performance Management Processes
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (January, 2018)
Develop and Use Complex Spreadsheets Using Office 2019
Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 2nd Edition (January, 2020)
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 3rd Edition (June, 2023)
Develop Critical Thinking in Others
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (January, 2022)
Develop Financial Plans
Robert Dickerson & Harry Gosper | 1st Edition (January, 2022)
Develop Workplace Policies and Procedures for Sustainability
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (November, 2022)
Ensure a Safe Workplace for a Work Area
Evaluate International Marketing Opportunities
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (July, 2017)
Facilitate Customer Awareness of the Australian Financial System
Facilitate Customer Awareness of the Australian Financial System and Markets
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 2nd Edition (July, 2023)
Identify Situations Requiring Complex Ethical Decision Making
Jacinta Scarf | 1st Edition (January, 2019)
Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices
Implement and Monitor WHS Policies and Procedures
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (January, 2016)
Internal Control Procedures
Mathew Fawcett & Lee Homewood | 6th Edition (January, 2019)
Mathew Fawcett & Lee Homewood | 7th Edition (July, 2023)
Introduce Cloud Computing into Business Operations
Leigh Thomas | 2nd Edition (January, 2021)
Lead and Manage Effective Workplace Relationships
Lead and Manage Team Effectiveness
Lead Communication in the Workplace
Harvie Deaner and Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (November, 2022)
Lead Effective Workplace Relationships
Harvie Deaner & Jackson Deaner | 1st Edition (January, 2020)
Legal Principles In Commercial Law
Penelope McCann & Anton Joseph | 1st Edition (July, 2016)
Lodge Documents in a Legal Services Environment
Nicholas Carey & Penelope McCann | 2nd Edition (2022)
Maintain a File in a Legal Services Environment
Nicholas Carey & Penelope McCann | 2nd Edition (January, 2022)